Mothers Know Best

11th Jamboree was home.  Mama chose for us to live here because it was near the Sacred Heart Church.  Amidst high fences and stonewalls, neighbors minded their own.  Not for long though as 1972 ushered the spirit of oneness.  Parish priest Resty Lumanlan rallied parishioners to spare time and talent in the realization of a community vision.

Together with pioneer residents/elder leaders, we formed the 11th Jamboree Youth Club and got involved with street issues and parish festivities.  Our nanays couldn't help but lend support (kaysa maglakwatsa kami).  Three houses (Sison, Balmaceda, Lasam) were destined for club meetings and choir practices.  Ours became a fave hangout.

From being student to professional, wife and mother... SHP experience was incomparable.  Unable to move on?  I allowed my kids to join the Children's Choir in 1983.  Not just to learn singing or interact, not because of their uncle-choir mentor Kuya Ray (sigue na nga).  I wanted them to be active in church like our generation.


Only my daughter moved on to AKBAY Teens Choir.  Whether she had bffs or found inspiration was incidental.  What mattered was the motivation and awareness that molded her self esteem, leadership, spirituality.

AKBAY Teen Choir
AKBAY Teens 


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