The meaning of the AKBAY Logo.

AKBAY stands for Awiting Kristiyano para sa Sambayanan. The letter A is taken from the word "Awiting", the letter K from the word "Kristiyano" and the letters BAY from the word "Sambayanan".
The 3 Singers represent the three AKBAY groups: the children, youth and adults.

The 3 Singers stand for the three major purposes of AKBAY: music development, leadership training and spiritual formation.

The 3 Singers also represent the three areas of service or apostolate of AKBAY: the parish, the bigger community and the whole Catholic Church.                

The Music Note represents the music ministry of AKBAY.

The Music Staff represents a path that is our journey towards music excellence.

The G-clef and the F-clef forming a heart represents our love for music.

The Circle represents wholeness, oneness, unity, integrity.

The whole logo stands for AKBAY.

Thank you Jazmin Sison for this logo.


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