A read through AKBAY CHOIR's history came to mind the soundtrack For Just A Moment from the 1985 hit St. Elmo's Fire. The lyrics focus on relationship but in a broader sense make subtle reference to struggle and success. The movie after all is a coming-of-age among peers caught in the realities of young adulthood.

"We were the best I think we'll ever be ...for just a moment"

We each have a reason for joining AKBAY CHOIR. Whether self-serving or for a cause, I think we owe it to ourselves and to the group to be responsible and contribute to its growth. This way we can look back proudly with no regret.

Because down the stretch, we may have that moment of giving up either by choice or circumstance. The spark which inspire us will fade due to boredom and routine until something novel catches our attention.

"Someday when we reminisce... we say there wasn't too much we missed"

Over three decades, AKBAY CHOIR has proven its mettle in church and in public despite its identity subsumed for a time because of the one church choir policy.

From a member's standpoint, to be part of the choir's achievements already merit a lifetime memory. The lull during the silent years borne out of dispersion into individual choirs wasn't a total miss. In a positive context, it was to re-evaluate the choir's vision and new direction towards resurgence.            


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