A new leader brings new ways and it was the case with the parish with a new parish priest. With the new administration came changes in the music ministry and things were reverted to the former choir system. With this development, the Sacred Heart Parish Choir dissolved and the six choirs that were part of it went their own ways. The Children Choir, the Teen Choir, the Youth Choir, the Young Adult Choir, the Adult Choir and the Sacred Heart Singers, each went its own way and took on separate leaders and new identities. While each choir continued to sing in its respective time slot, some members converged at the Sunday 6:00 pm mass, eventually rescheduled to 6:30 pm, still carrying the name Sacred Heart Parish Choir.

There are many individual stories that have to be told about the members during this period. Stories about members leaving the choir, transferring residence, moving abroad, getting married, changing religions or probably losing the faith. But the greatest story is that some members remained, made great sacrifices and carried the fire and spirit of AKBAY, although unknowingly, maybe.

Like all stories, this one had to end, too. So, in 2008, the music of the Sunday mass stopped after 26 years!


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